Help 4 Halvasso

Author: Graeme Newton        Thanks To  Matt Mossop, Lightsource,  Avian Ecology, Cgms Consulting and everyone who writes in!

In the News :
Good and Bad News items about Solar Farms

Solar farm will turn my dream home into a prison: Retiree's horror over plans to surround bungalow with Europe's largest renewable energy plant.

Falmouth Friends of the Earth has decided after lengthy internal discussion to object to this scheme. We have a basic objection to the principal of using agricultural land (of whatever grade) for non agricultural purposes and would therefore only have been able to support the project had all other aspects of the application been of a very high quality. This includes: - a much shorter lease agreement period than 25yrs (we are entering an era when food shortages are likely to rise significantly up peoples and governments agendas and more land may well be needed for this prime human requirement); -organic management of the land and better regimen for the Cornish Hedgerows -a smaller project - the siting of the panel fields we felt was reasonably good, but was just too extensive for this landscape -security fencing - as noted by the applicants, much of the land is encompassed by boundary Cornish Hedges and we cannot see a need for intrusive and badger unfriendly additions; also, the security cameras are an intrusive and objectionable addition to the countryside. These are very basic and hastily written notes as our regular meeting fell only the evening before final comments deadline.

Solar farms will ruin precious countryside

Fears ‘gold rush’ for solar farms will carve up our beautiful landscape and industrialise it.